Archive for the ‘affirmations’ Category

Living in Thankfulness

“Before they call, I will answer” is a favored statement that seems, over time, to be greatly misunderstood. What does this mean?

To tell you the Truth, I believe that one must draw their own conclusion and perceive the answer from their own experience.

I got this thought and expanded upon it. Now I want to share it with all of you! “Live in Thankfulness, even if, at the time, there is no evidence of anything to be thankful for.

Well, are we living in Thankfulness right now, but do not see it? Like, why would we even think of thanking God for our meal before us, or our water to wash our face or drink, or the home we live in, our friends, family, pets, flowers, etc., etc.!?? Stop and smell the roses when there are no roses! Thank the unseen, invisible.

I began! Taking only a few moments, mind you, I thought “Thank you, Father. Thank You so much. I am Your Grateful Child. Thank You, thank You, thank You for my blessings. I AM so thankful.”

Surprised over the outcome, there could not be one day, now, that goes by where I don’t think of “Living in Thankfulness” and “Before they call, I will answer”.

We all live in answered prayer. My prayer is “Thankfulness”, then guess what? Once you make your prayer “Thank you, Father. Thank you so much”, you will be living in Thankfulness too.

Financial Abundance: A Spiritual Gift

Understand that no matter what the circumstances are, or financial position you are experiencing at this time, you can rise higher, increase your income and experience abundance.

“God is my supply, everywhere evenly present, and as immediately available, as the air that I breathe.”

How to Use Positive Affirmations

Your mind (subconscious) will take an order and fill it. It is quite simple. Where the process fails is only in the asking. When you get to the point in your “mind travels” that you are able to make up your own affirmations and self-hypnosis suggestions (one in the same, really), remember that your suggestions should be in the affirmative, positive as if they were already real.

For example, in your Self-hypnosis technique where you are repeating “I am calm, confident and optimistic.” notice that you are saying it in the affirmative. Notice that the phrase suggests the now not some day in the future. Therefore, whenever using self-hypnosis, make your suggestions in the now. “I am relaxed and calm.” I am happy and successful.” or “I have a perfect memory and everything I am reading or studying is readily available for me whenever i need it.” (for a student or someone correcting memory and concentration.)

Exploring the wonders of the mind is fun. Relax and enjoy the ride and experiment with your own suggestions once you have accustomed yourself to the process.