Posts Tagged ‘affirmations’

How to Use Positive Affirmations

Your mind (subconscious) will take an order and fill it. It is quite simple. Where the process fails is only in the asking. When you get to the point in your “mind travels” that you are able to make up your own affirmations and self-hypnosis suggestions (one in the same, really), remember that your suggestions should be in the affirmative, positive as if they were already real.

For example, in your Self-hypnosis technique where you are repeating “I am calm, confident and optimistic.” notice that you are saying it in the affirmative. Notice that the phrase suggests the now not some day in the future. Therefore, whenever using self-hypnosis, make your suggestions in the now. “I am relaxed and calm.” I am happy and successful.” or “I have a perfect memory and everything I am reading or studying is readily available for me whenever i need it.” (for a student or someone correcting memory and concentration.)

Exploring the wonders of the mind is fun. Relax and enjoy the ride and experiment with your own suggestions once you have accustomed yourself to the process.

Formula for Prosperity

1. Remind yourself as often as possible of the fact that “What you think, believe in and conceive of becomes your reality.”

2. Let your thoughts be “Yea, Yea, not Nay, Nay. Do not allow your thoughts to stray to the negative. Repeat “I am prosperous” all the time.

3. Copy and carry around the following: “God now multiplies all that I give, use or circulate in a never ending cycle of increase and enjoyment.” Keep this in mind whenever you open your wallet to either receive money or spend it.

4. On your checks, underneath the dollar amount write “DRx1000”, which means Divine Return times one thousand and stands for whatever you give is returned to you a thousand fold.

5. On your checks or any payments put “God Bless” and let it read across to your name. You are, thus, asking God’s blessing for yourself and others.

6. Say “I feel so much better about money for now and for my future” anytime you are spending money, receiving money, buying gas for your auto, paying bills and any other time you happen to catch yourself worrying about money. You have a choice to think what you want. Decide to think positive and with meaning and conviction. Replace any thoughts to the contrary with “I am prosperous.”

7. Know that you deserve to open your mind to receive. It is not selfish to ask God to give you prosperity. Prosperity for you means others are prospered as well. “I am a rich child of God. I deserve to be prosperous, wealthy and abundant.”

8. Think “I always pay the bills on time and have plenty of money left over to spare and share.”

9. At any given moment think “People love to give me money”

10. Believe: “I am a rich child of a loving and giving Father. I am the rich substance of the Universe. I am, I am, I am. My mind, body and affairs are blessed with this rich radiant substance. I am blessed, therefore, others are blessed as well.”

Seed Money: Reaping the Ten Fold Return and Money Mantra
Seed Money: Reaping the Ten Fold Return and Money Mantra
Take The Formula for Prosperity up a notch with Seed Money: Reaping the Ten Fold Return and Money Mantra - As the ten fold return is demonstrated to you, increase, again with faith, the seed money you plant. Download your copy now!
Price: $9.99