
Hi, my name is Trudy W. Evans, C.H. The C.H. stands for Certified Hypnotherapist.

If I were to be granted one wish in this lifetime, it would be for MANY people to learn the Truth of the human spirit.

In the Bible it says, “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you” and through the use of affirmations, self hypnosis and meditation, you can reach that wisdom within.

One must realize that in asking for Joy, Peace, Love and Harmony during the meditation time or affirmation time creates those residual effects.

After 35 years of Metaphysical studies, I have learned that all we are asking for in this world is hope and solutions to life’s situations.

Over the past years, I have been doing Psychic readings and metaphysical counseling. I have taught classes on Developing Your Psychic Abilities. In these personal consultations and classes, clients and students have accomplished tremendous change in their Relationship, Financial and Emotional lives through the use of affirmations, self hypnosis, visualization and meditation.

Trudy’s New Book is Now Available!

Acres of Diamonds: Prosperity Begins in the Mind compares the precious gems with the most precious possession that we have within us.

Each chapter has new mindsets and reminders of the wonders of your mind and as you follow along, you will capture the true meaning of God. You are the Princes and Princesses that have a beginning in the wonders of God. The Truth of His Power will enrich your life..

This book is not one that is placed on the shelve to gather dust after you have read it. The beginning, middle and end of it is just the beginning of a journey that only you can confirm for yourselves by practicing the techniques and absorbing its content. Little by little you will discover that our lifelong journey is together and God’s ultimate wisdom is Here to guide each one of us!

Excerpt:God already has “good” in mind for you. The energy of God is positive, automatically proactive in its nature. Therefore, when you thank Him, He manifests experiences that make you thankful! Think accordingly to the good! When you pray “ask believing and all things shall be added unto you.”

Available in paperback or on Kindle click here to order your copy.




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