The Mirror on the Wall

Think of a significant individual in your life, professional or personal. Consider their relationship to you, how you feel and how you are responding as if a mirror is reflecting back at you.  It is not necessary that you look at the outer reflections. Although, many individuals look outward first. Go within. Draw your attention (energy) into your own image and emotions.  You must, however, observe as if  you are seeing yourself as you truly are, a product of thought, experience, faith and Subconscious patterns.  Whatever the mirror reflects back at you is a demonstration of your own subconscious creation.

To explain further, let’s use this example. A co-worker or boss consistently intimidates you. When you reflect and consider the fact that we are treated according to our own convictions and beliefs, then you can use this simple method to improve conditions. My Relationship E-Course explains more.

The example I used is just one of many situations that occur in life. We are never vulnerable to individuals or experiences. We are, in fact, the Creators, Directors in the Game of our lives.  Explore more of the Subconscious. Become a curious investigator of the Subconscious Mind. Miracles will follow…

Be persistent in repeating:  “I am in the light of God.  The Love of God creates perfect harmony and fulfillment wherever I am, whatever I am doing. God is there.”


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