Financial Abundance
Immediately, begin training your mind not to accept anything that is considered to be of a negative nature concerning money. Cancel it out and implant a positive affirmation in its place. Say “I have plenty of money now to pay any bill I need to pay and have plenty of money left over to spare and share. My income now doubles, my cash supply is increasing, increasing, increasing.”
Your mind is very flexible. Limitations should be uprooted and new ideas implanted into your subconscious. For more help with this be sure to download the Thirty Day Mental Diet Ecourse.
As taught in the Financial Abundance E-course, you are supposed to be financially abundant and prosperous. When you begin to call upon the vast abundant universe to answer your needs, the universe rushes to your beckon call, is always on time.
You can rise above any circumstances and create a prosperous and fulfilling financial life.When you understand that fact, you can openly begin changing your thought patterns to that of abundance and, thus change you life.
Whenever you spend money, believe that you are planting seeds of wealth into this infinitely unlimited Universe and that you and others are blessed tenfold for the good of all concerned. Say “I plant these dollars into the grand Universe and reap a tenfold return for myself and others, for the good of all.”
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