Pasture of Belief

Imagine that you are outdoors in a field of unlimited green grasses, blue skies and beautiful trees. Perhaps there is a brook of running water that is flowing through this green pasture and that you can take the time to sit beside the running waters, close your eyes and absorb the essence of the breeze, scent of fresh air and sound the steady stream of water.  So relaxing and so peaceful you feel at this moment where you seem to be walled away from the clamor of stress and, instead, filled with renewed hope of unlimited prosperity and peace of mind.

You are healthy in mind, body and spirit.  You are aware of the peace existing within you. No commercial sound interrupts your calm peace of mind. It is here that you remind yourself of all that you are. Pure spirit, complete in wholeness that is yours to embellish through your senses. Soak it all in…

Life begins anew every second.  Just imagine that a power exists within you to grasp the moment and uplift your spirit immediately. It is not normal to feel sad.  Our heaven is that eternal knowing that you are supposed to be happy and if you have drifted away from that norm in life, just know that to be happy is a gift that you will always have and whatever your happiness spirit is, it exists within you right now. This moment.

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