Posts Tagged ‘keep the faith’

Spiritual Resilience

Whatever  TV channel I tune in to, there is news on Covid-19, how many cases, protests around the world, etc. The icing on the cake was Godzilla!  No joke, of course, about any of it. The experiences are real and require our utmost attention. Even the dust cloud that put a veil of musty air on our hopes and dreams of healing! Pay attention, but keep faith and hope in your heart because the human spirit is resilient! I predict, based on the history of mankind, that we will prevail. There will be a time fairly soon that our best scientists, biologists and researchers world wide will announce the effective therapeutics for the dissipation of the Covid-19 just as in the past where we have overcome many other threatening diseases.

I also trust mankind, the human spirit, to do the right thing to honor those who have suffered discrimination. George Floyd will be forever marked in our spirits as a initiator of change, not because of what he said or did, but because his experience has had such a significant effect on our world as it thinks and acts today. We are resilient and spiritually will always survive and thrive.. There is a part in all of us that knows we will reap what we sow. Many an orator has done their best to convince us of that fact. However, when we put into practice in our everyday lives to create goodness and keep our faith, each one of us can make a difference.

At the grocery stores I can tell how someone feels even behind the mask. The energy is that of frustration, fear and apprehension. I miss a hug or two. My life, too, is basically limited. In other words, I, along with you, miss my world as it was before the first case of Covid-19 struck its mighty blow. The loss is undeniable, but even for those who have been fatally touched, we must and will prevail.