God’s Children

I was entertained the other morning by a presentation in a crowded room or proud parents and grandparents. As I observed the amount of people squeezed into such a small room to watch, a thought went through my mind.

How in Heaven’s name can God watch over so many and answer everyone’s prayers. He has got to be in overload?

Then an amazing revelation came over me!  God gave each one of us an opportunity to call His name and his Son’s, Jesus Christ,  to rise up and create perfect solutions in anything that arises in our lives.  We, therefore, are like worker bees, solving our own experiences in life and He, along with the Son of God, does not have to figure too much out for everyone.  We have access to Him, or Them, I should say at anytime, anyplace with anyone.  What a revelation!  How safe are we in the Knowing of His Energy to Heal!


Never Chase A Prayer

Today is the greatest day of my life!!

“I am prosperous” has permeated my mind as I go into the second day of proclaiming prosperity. I have said it many times in the last 24 hours and I hope you have too.

Never chase a prayer! That is not easy, but necessary! See, we say the prayer “I am prosperous” and then must be wise in allowing prosperity to come into our lives.

Now, instead of chasing it down or questioning “where is it?” Let go and say “I am receiving, receiving now all the good God has for me” I am willing to receive! I am open to receive now!”

Trusting in your affirmation “I am prosperous” by continuing to claim that truth, will bring you greater and greater results! Our thoughts of today are our children of tomorrow. Trust in the movement of the spirit to gift you the prosperity you deserve and be open to receive it!

Create a Better Financial Life

Why seven days straight? I just have to share with you the power behind manifestation and what an effect it will have upon you. Therefore, for seven days in a row I am blogging about the opportunity you have through the power of thought to create a better financial life for yourself.

We begin with you accepting that there is more in life than most expect. Getting the idea across to you is my job. What is yours? Accept some other way to think beyond limited belief for a week! What the heck! You can do that. You can think beyond your normal channels of income and for a week solid expand your options to trust in a greater power which is available to you immediately.

Think now “I am prosperous”. Think it over and over right now for several minutes. Go further and believe that this great power is responding to your thought “I am prosperous” and manifesting prosperity for you. Be aware of its demonstration in your life now.

Do not stop saying “I am prosperous” until something wells up within you that exerts a feeling of peace. When it does, give it a rest for as long as it takes before you start limiting thinking again. Then, catch those thoughts in mid air and replace them with “I am prosperous”.

Now we are going to say “I am prosperous” for this entire week until it permeates our being. Know that your request is going beyond expected channels of income and manifesting all sorts of prosperity and when you see evidence of these manifestations say “I believe in my prosperity and am thankful for it”. We have begun!